
Sabtu, 12 November 2016

Legal restrictions in MLM Business

              Legal restrictions in MLM Business

BagiBagi knowledge
  Good night bro n sis. In this occasion I will share my experiences about the world of infestations. Perhaps you have experienced the same events invite friends or relatives to join infestations such as selling drugs or whatever electronic pulses that form ..
  Events that I experienced this epidemic yes ditaun 2016 I was invited by a friend to attend a business seminar he said that. Out of curiosity I tried to go with my new car picked up more and more convinced of this profitable business .. nah arrival at a place like rented shophouse .. there we all sat dilante with mats and tools sekarnya confused me .. what kind of business this
I try to listen to the exposure of the exposure for the sake of his mentor ...
The mechanism like this
Was told to buy medicine after it was explained at length Continues to be ordered to getting people to join well from there I was very confused and I tried googling can enlightenment nu online from its official website below. 

Legal restrictions in MLM Business
A. Khoirul, NU Online | Monday, August 25, 2008 17: 28p
Multi Level Marketing (MLM) is a marketing model that uses the chain down the line, where the manufacturer can reduce marketing costs so that some of the costs of marketing used for bonuses for people who earn large networks. There are a lot of reasons people join the MLM business, among them because of the lure of bonuses but some are indeed as motivation in having their products.
How according to Islamic law about this MLM business? <>
Multi Level Marketing (MLM) is selling / marketing the product directly in the form of goods or services to consumers. So the cost is minimal or distribution of goods up to the point of zero. MLM also eliminates the cost of sale for the distribution and promotion are handled directly by the distributor with tiered system (pelevelan).
In MLM there are elements of service, meaning that a distributor sell goods that are not his, and he earns a percentage of the price of goods and if it can be sold according to the target he gets a bonus set by the company.
MLM many kinds and each company has its own specifications. Until now there are about 200 companies in her name used MLM system.
We will give an answer that is both common boundaries as a guide for Muslims who will be involved in the field of MLM.
It is basically any form of mu'amalah or transaction is permissible (permissible) so that there is an argument that forbid it.
Allah says
وَأَحَلَّ اللّهُ الْبَيْعَ وَحَرَّمَ الرِّب
God justifies the buying, selling and forbidden usury. (Surat al-Baqara: 275)

وتعاونوا على البر والتقوى ولا تعاونوا على الإثم والعدوان
Please menolonglah on the goodness and piety, and do not be helping each other to sin and enmity. (Surah Al-Maidah: 2)
Rasulullah SAW said:
إنما البيع عن تراض
Trading on the basis of equally pleasure. (Bayhaqi and Ibn Majah)
المسلمون علي شروطهم
Muslims are bound by their terms. (Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and al-Hakim)
Based on the explanation can be summarized as follows:
Basically 1. An MLM system is muamalah or Buyu 'is the basic principle may (permissible) while there is no element: - Riba' - Ghoror (fraud) - Dhoror (adverse or mendhalimi other parties) -Jahalah (not transparent).
2. typical MLM system found on the network, so it should be noted that everything about the network: - Transparency of determining the cost to become a member and accountable allocation. Determination of the registration fee member high without obtaining compensation received by members of the new match or near this cost is a gap where the MLM company taking something without the right dam is haraam.
- Transparency increase in members at every level (level) and the opportunity to work for every person. Improved position for everyone in the profession is contained in every business. Thus increasing the level in the MLM system is something that is permissible while done in a transparent manner, not menzhalimi parties who are under, level or above.
-Rights and opportunities that are appropriate to the achievement of members' work. A member or distributors usually get profit from sales made himself and carried her down the line. Earned profit from direct sales itself is something normal in buying and selling, while the percentage of the profits gained due to the acquisition of the business down the line of his is something that is permissible according to the agreement are agreed and there is no cruelty.
3. MLM is a means to sell products (goods or services), rather than a means to earn money without any product or products just camouflage. So what happens is money gameatau social gathering chain similar to gambling and haraam.
4. Products offered are clearly halal status, as members not only consumer goods but also to other markets. So he must know the status of the item and accountable to other consumers.
That`s all these restrictions may be useful, especially for the Muslims and Indonesia in order to be one way out of the economic crisis. Wallahua'lam bishshawab.
HM Cholil Nafis Lc MA
Vice Chairman of the Institute Bahtsul Masa'il PBNU
Extra if you want to run an MLM business make sure the registered www.apli.or.id also make sure they are on APLI MLM and it should be remembered that MLM selling not invite JOIN PRODUCTS

APLI is a direct merchant associations Indonesian companies incorporated in APLI must go through certain stages.Thanks for visiting awaited criticism and saranya thanks ...

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